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Merciless Death Repair on my 20 year old Vest

Wed, 04/09/2024 - 16:26

Repairing this old-timer. This wasn't the first vest I made, but it is certainly the one I've worn the most. Started it in high school. Countless shows, beers, pits, and shits in this piece of cloth.

Will be adding to it with more bands that I first came into contact with during the time this was my main vest and maintaining the assey slapped together look.

Not for sale or trade
Merciless Death Repair on my 20 year old Vest
Merciless Death Repair on my 20 year old Vest
Merciless Death Repair on my 20 year old Vest
Merciless Death Repair on my 20 year old Vest

Beer.Browser's picture

Fuckin awesome

Allpathsendthesame's picture


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