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Whipstriker Play fast or die

Thu, 30/01/2025 - 21:09

Been perpetually in poverty since I moved to the city, been enjoying these more. Everything on this was hand painted besides Sacrilege.
Probably going to redo the integrity logo and make it a big bigger.

Debating on putting a patch on each side, and also debating if I should just cover the seams in studs to fill the entire thing out.

Not for sale or trade
Whipstriker Play fast or die
Whipstriker Play fast or die

Paul Lynde's picture


MungoBumpkin's picture

Good shit

Oscarz192's picture

I feel It would also look sick if you cover the waistband with studs

Ahn's picture

No my music taste, but I do love a studded vest! Looks awesome!

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Recent Comments

  • Just let me know whenever you decide
  • Nice shirt..
  • Awesome collection of patches..
  • 🙏🙏
  • Killer shirt..
  • Sweet Nile Beanie..
  • Nice BP..
  • Sweet poster..
  • Always revisit that video every so often haha. One of my favorite bands of all time, need any and all shirts from them
  • Sorry, this one's for keeps
  • Great print on this one!
  • Mr. Munster answers yet another Type O Negative anomaly.
  • Sell or trade?
  • Oh for reals I only seen a blue and red ones but heck yea man I would have jumped on them when they first came out if I
  • I think there were even more different colors, ordered my copy straight from Indonesia when these came out.
  • Awesome collection bro! 🔥🔥🔥