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My Nuclear Assault vest

Sun, 12/12/2010 - 22:47
Not for sale or trade

Year: 2008

whiteravenmetal's picture

wow, fucking awesome Blitzkrieg patch, rare

stonyburnzilla's picture

Where did you get that Warbringer patch?! I've been searching everywhere for one. :-\

komlentor's picture

I have one friend in Belgrade and he order me that Warbringer patch from some Metal shop in Poland.

PowerThrashingDeath's picture

Goddess.nl has a Warbringer logo patch if you're interested.

dial-a-death's picture

Awesome Warbringer patch, have a logo patch but that War Without End one is sweet.

raahpeop's picture

got the same sepultura arise patch :D, where did you get that war without end patch? o.O

komlentor's picture

Ha everybody asks me about that War without end patch. It is a present from my friend, he bought it in Poland i think.

madbutcher93's picture

was that exodus patch a shirt?

komlentor's picture


kertalaaki's picture

That blitzkrieg patch is sick!

Daimonion's picture

Killer backpatch and other nice patches too!

Doctor Butcher's picture

Is The Backpatch off A Shirt?

komlentor's picture


Meli's picture

"No battle jackets where you live", hah, tell me about it ;o) Dobar ti je prsluk. Nisam znala kojeg da iskomentiram jer su svi dobri

slaytanic1's picture

fuck yeah!! VIO-LENCE!! love that COVEN patch!! \,,/

pitstopchr's picture

Dude this vest is fuckin sick!

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