After a while collecting patches and finding the right ones I'm now happy to show my kutte.
Thanks to the patch collectors on this website!!
The kutte shown here is obviously not actually complete (it never is), even now it looks fairly different, I probably need to post an update...
TrifkeThrasher on
metalthrashingraf on
Thanks man!!
Orion_06 on
love it!
metalthrashingraf on
totalfuckindesaster on
THIS is a vest
metalthrashingraf on
appreciate it!
SpeedManiac666 on
The Destruction looks familiar😆
Turnes out killer bro, the back reminds me of my old denim with the KISS Backpatch.
metalthrashingraf on
Thanks dude!
yeah it is nice to see your patch go onto another vest haha!
fauzan big on
Awesome!! really nice oldschool looks
metalthrashingraf on
Desecrator_iwen on
The Warhead patch fucks!
metalthrashingraf on
It sure does, killer album!
Turned out really sick mate!
metalthrashingraf on
Demolition_hell... on
Amazing vest!
metalthrashingraf on
Thanks mate!
HolzmindenThrasher on
Probably the best vest I‘ve ever seen
Thrash Can on
Sick vest!