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Bands unavailable on most Streaming Services

Sun, 19/02/2023 - 15:19

Nowadays it's an expectation that bands put their music on streaming services, seen as though that's how most people tend to discover new music and listen to their old favourites, it's even possible to skip over physical media releases entirely.
That being said, not all bands put their material onto services such as Spotify, Deezer, Soundcloud, whether it be an active decision or they didn't make the transition into the digital era and disbanded before it was standard practise.

Which Bands, albums and songs do you wish were on your favourite streaming services?

MortalCoil138's picture

Kill Witch

MetalheadMarc's picture

Ad Hominem and Behemoth's Grom album off the top of my head.

Anthropocene-Extinction's picture

Always found it weird when it's just a specific album that isn't on a service, is it Licensing issues? Label no longer interested in supporting it? Especially for a big band like Behemoth

Anthropocene-Extinction's picture

For me I wish Sthygma's discography and Slugathor's "Echoes from beneath" were on spotify

IronSabbath89's picture

Many Bands and Albums are missing. Dark Heart, Blood Money, Truppensturm, first two Accept Albums...

Arch_Caligula's picture

Blood Money used to be on streaming. NME also used to be on streaming.

DeSelby13's picture

Chapel of Disease, earlier albums

MelFromHell's picture

GBK šŸ˜‚

Thiellus's picture

and Arghoslent

lambofgodfan00's picture

Speedwolf sadly. They were on Spotify and then got taken off when the reunion fell through.

Can't find them anywhere else either.

bad_american1992's picture

You can probably listen to their full albums on youtube?

lambofgodfan00's picture

Yep. That's about it digitally. I downloaded their album on bandcamp before the price skyrocketed on there but it's on my old phone still and haven't been able to transfer it (my old car that got totaled had CD player, new one doesn't). Still have the cds and the repress LP Hell's Headbangers did, so I'm still set.

Just wish they were still on Spotify for ease of access for listening in the AM on the way to work.

WeepingWailer's picture

Having the same issue with Gris. Just patiently awaiting like a madman until they drop it if they ever do. Went to a show to see Miserere Luminis and one of the members said they would see if they could drop it but ultimately im guessing itā€™s the label who has the last word.

meaningless's picture

....when some1 have Spotify and cant find what i have told him/her to give it a try, its always on Youtube ...so....Youtube is still the best source - imo.
but....like said below...i dont use any streaming service...so..no idea ;-) ..haha

Anthropocene-Extinction's picture

Techiest Grind ever

meaningless's picture

i dont use any streaming service...so no idea and dont care...hahahaha ;-)

Strawberries_Messiah's picture

Several him eps

ThatBillyGuy's picture

Samhain isnā€™t on anything that Iā€™m aware of and most of budgies albums arenā€™t on anything

doomtilldeath's picture

I just use a free youtube app with no ads when listening to music on the go. The only band I cant find is the finnish punk band Puhelinkoppi (founded by members of Convulse)

doomtilldeath's picture

Nvm, they're on soundcloud

no karate in pit's picture


George thrash's picture


WeepingWailer's picture

ŠšŃŽŠŗŠ¾ŠŗрŠµŃŃ‚, donā€™t know their name in English.

buddyunholy's picture

it would be something like Hooked Cross, afaik they don't have an official translation

nameless_rites's picture

I rip the music to mp3 on my desktop PC and use itunes to sync it to my phone. It plays in apple music. If your computer doesnā€™t have a CD ROM drive you can buy a USB one for under $30. I donā€™t really see the point in paying for something I already bought years ago and the quality is better if you rip in 320 or FLAC

ThatBillyGuy's picture

I do the same thing. Works out great and havenā€™t had any issues

meaningless's picture


Anthropocene-Extinction's picture

Really what I'm wanting to get into. Physical Media always comes first for me but it's nice to have a digitized backup plan. Maybe when I get a new phone (mine is 8 years old) I should start downloading some bandcamp purchases also

meaningless's picture

i rip'd my stuff at home, copy it on a very small memory card and put it into my phone.
When i buy a new phone, i just stick the card in the new phone then..hahaha

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