TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Loudness kutte

Sun, 09/06/2024 - 22:20

Bought my first patch in 1991, it's the Maiden Madness sewed on the back. I've had and worn proudly many jackets through the years, still I do.

I've done some changes on my kuttes lately. Time to reupload them.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1991
Loudness  kutte
Loudness  kutte

Oldschool's picture

Classic stuff

invisible-horizons's picture

Very nice!!! Loudness, Chroming Rose, Obus, WASP, Running Wild, Accept, etc.

Too many great bands to mention. Awesome vest!

Low yo yo Stuff's picture

Interesting to see the Piece of Mind patch with 'Revenge' written below it, I have that as a back patch, never seen the small patch before. Nice jacket!

Jevi's picture
Jevi's picture

Thanks everybody for the feedback and flames!!

MetalNDN's picture


Jevi's picture

Thanks for the horns and the flames!

Dan727's picture

The loudness patch deserves to be in a museum

Jevi's picture

The Tour in the west shirt was too beaten up and was not wearable anymore, so I made the backpatch... then got another copy of the shirt!

George thrash's picture

Great vest! I love the maiden patches on the back!

Jevi's picture

Thanks! I've got a few vests, but maybe this is my favourite ( I can't really choose one)

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