Desaster Kutte
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- Perversor Cult of Destruction woven patch
- Ironmaiden Somewhere in Time Backpatch
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fauzan big on
Awesome!!!!! really nice music taste and brilliant layout.
metalCRUSTbarbarian on
Awesome vest, love the stud work and the overall look! \m/
GoatWhore666 on
Damn, this not only looks cool but has great taste.
GoatWhore666 on
Really nice to see Overkill get more love lately
metalCRUSTbarbarian on
Thank you!
Eknim on
Deathhammer is a must for any thrash vest, great taste in bands!
PRoToPiiT on
Cool vest! That Vampire patch is so fire🔥 Gotta try to look for that one😤
swinginswordsch... on
Full flames for both taste and layout/design!!!
metalCRUSTbarbarian on
Thanks a lot.
foot gobbler on
Deathhammer patch is sick
gizter on
this is perfect!
Thrash Can on
Sehr schickes Teil.
Odious on
Love what you did with sacrilege and dishammer