Iron Maiden has always been my favourite band since I started getting into Heavy Music around 12 or 13 years ago and they will always be my fave!
When there's more time left soon, I will put a painting inside of the leather vest and I will maybe add some more studs
ManOboy on
fucking killer!!
thrashing_death on
Looks great dude! Awesome patches and really like the studding.
Plus, its Iron fucking Maiden!
Speed or Bleed on
Lex_Metal on
Man... This is simply AMAZING!! UP THE IRONS!!
Kiske on
That purple-bordered somwhere in time... goddamn.
GoatMaiden on
Geiles Teil. Für einen der beiden SIT Patches würd ich einiges geben. haha
Demolition_hell... on
Awesome Jacket!
whiteravenmetal on
awesome vest
Under-Fire on
The studding is such a great idea!
Johnny-Eyeball on
Beyond excellent!
janbant on
Sick vest dude!
janbant on
forgot the flames :P
Natttask1 on
Fuck. So cool, I can't even find any other words. I dug out an English_Russian dictionary for about 75.000 words, but it can't help me. Fuck. This. Is. So. Cool.
oldmate on
killer fucking jacket. Love the Somewhere in time tour patch
meaningless on
Bring your damn nice..also the Backpatch
cambotero on
Executer on
und auch hier - starkes Teil, schöne Auswahl. Auf die habe ich ja sogar gewartet gehabt.
dayak666 on
Killer!!! UP THE IRONS!!
streicherzzy on
this is a nice Tribute for Maiden.very nice Vest
Nater90 on
Fuck this is sick, Amazing tribute, Up the Irons \m/
perkele on
one of the , when not the nicest Maiden Tribute Vest I've seen, not to match Patches, perfect, eventhough I would have selected another BP :P ;).
I'm currently also workling on my tribute vest :)
LifeOfDeath on
Love it! Great job with the studs!
TotalDesaster on
Mister Maniak on
Looks perfect mate