Finally finished!!! After half a year of on and off sewing, and over 4 years of collecting its done. Alot of blood and sweat on this project but the end result is so worth it. Ill forever hate that elf patch, sewing it was harder than life.
Thick levis vests dont help but its super sturdy so it wont break.
All vintage except 3 patches that i havent found the originals for, 2 of which there arent any originals and one pin of which there isnt an original.
Total of 60 patches and 10 pins, well over €1500 put into the vest and over 20 hours of sewing
Technically in progress as there are a few im still hunting for
Heavy Metal Chemist on
Such a sick jacket and one of the best dedications to Dio I have seen 🔥🔥🔥🤘🥵🔥🔥🔥
(I guess listing it for sale/trade was a mistake 😜)
samael6666 on
Thanks man!! And yes it was
samsonthrash on
Sick! One of the best dio back patches!
samael6666 on
Thanks!!! Forsure, i got a couple of them but by a mile this is the best. Better than the album cover version too
Demolition_hell... on
Looks great! Great work!
samael6666 on
Thanks alot!!
Cheeser on
Finally! Looks fuckin sick man!
samael6666 on
glad you like it, alot of thought and effort went into it
Arkturean on
samael6666 on
Jtsimkins on
Love the jacket!