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Warning Battle Jacket - Studded Work

Tue, 24/01/2017 - 08:08

As i bought the Warning Backshape i knew i couldnt work like always. I knew that i had to try something different so i tried to work with studs for my first time!

Used small studs for the Led Zeppelin patch and the small empty spaces and the big round Studs to fill the space around the Warning Patch. I really like it so far and would like to see what you think about this.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2017
Warning Battle Jacket - Studded Work

GonzoJoe's picture


Sarosxx's picture

danke dir !

DethronedEmperor23's picture

I like it, good idea and band choice. Studs are a little messy and not straight, but still looks cool

19Philthy16's picture

Geile Idee mit den kleinen Nieten um den Led Zeppelin Patch! Habe noch nie so kleine gesehen, sehr geil. Find aber auch die großen um den Warning Schriftzug gut gelungen! Würd mal gern ein Bild vom ganzen Rücken sehen, wie das ausschaut!^^

Sarosxx's picture

Danke dir ! ja kann ich gerne mal die Tage machen wenn ich da noch ein bisschen dran rumgefummelt habe :)

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Recent Comments

  • Very nice looking and diverse!! !!
  • Very nice cult LP. But thrash with an H please.
  • Agree ! Killer release !!
  • Agreed, these are absolutely brilliant in person! I feel tempted to get an extra pair!
  • Thanks, they sure do! And this being one of my fave albums definitely helps... I kind of want to get two more!
  • I like this vest until I noticed you extended the length of the vest by sewing strip patches on the bottom.
  • Me wanty
  • fucking great tshirt !!
  • Holy smokes this is nice. I mean unholy smokes…
  • Love the studs.
  • Nice great release !
  • GONE --> Dissection (BOTH), Mgła (BOTH), Xoth, Inexorum; Ulcerate, Inferi, Goratory
  • I see, he makes some really good patches indeed.
  • Yes, both shirts are handpainted with incredible detail.
  • That's correct. they have good merch. I agree 🤘🔥
  • W
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