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Denial of God - Tu Fui, Ego Eris

Wed, 14/03/2018 - 15:52
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Denial of God - Tu Fui, Ego Eris
Denial of God - Tu Fui, Ego Eris

Claudandus's picture

Så jävla trött design egentligen, och ändå så funkar det så jävla bra. Kanonband och skitsnygg tröja!

Doomgarlic's picture

Medhåll! Har tänkt i samma banor, det har inte lagts många minuter på designen men den funkar! Känns väl lite som att DoG gärna vill vara kvar i sent 90-tal.

Claudandus's picture

Känner så med den danska bm scenen på det stora hela. Dock länge sen jag kollade in nått där ifrån.

Doomgarlic's picture

Du känner säkert till Angantyr men om inte så kanske det går hem. Snurrar skivan Hævn just nu, bra skit.

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Recent Comments

  • I just got one https://tshirtslayer.com/tshirt-or-longsleeve/darkthrone-blaze-northern-sky-1999-0, paid $240 for mine.
  • These are absolutely amazing!
  • Greatest sortilège pin ever 🎖🇨🇵🎵
  • See also my profile for a somewhat older version and the back of the jacket
  • mors omnibus
  • Phantastic old school demo
  • yeah it is, i know...from their old demo days!
  • I‘ll upload it once I’m done updating it. I have other projects to complete first. 🤘
  • Certainly worth the money
  • It is indeed! It’s already sewn on my Winter Jacket of Doom. I’ll upload it here once it is complete.
  • Hi! I got it from Neseblod, the shop that stands where Helvete Oslo used to be.
  • Full flames! Great longsleeve
  • Those were the times!
  • How much did you get this for and when?
  • How much did you get this for and when?
  • SOLD
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