TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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World's largest community of heavy metal tshirt and battlejacket collectors.

Children Of Bodom updated cd collection

whiteravenmetal's picture

Why St. Anger??

Hungry_Mosher's picture

Whats wrong with Gama Bomb????
why compare it with St anger

ILikeToDissectGirls's picture

Yeah, whats wrong with Gama Bomb? They are kick ass.
Its unrespectful too compare it to St.Anger.

holysheepy200's picture

yeah, the only reason i bought st. anger is because I want to have them all one day. It was very cheap so...

ultmetal's picture

Good start to your collection! \m/
U.D.O. rules!

holysheepy200's picture

Thanks man! Indeed, U.D.O is a metalmachine!

661,680 items in the gallery, 906,736 comments, and 432 items have changed hands in the last month.

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