Very much an underground release that only fans at the time would get. Unknown bands with unknown songs. Some bands like Zodiac or Abuse would last longer than expected and the odd Japanese metal fan might have heard of them. Jesus was pretty much the forerunner of Terra Rosa in that the guitarist made the band and also wrote the song The Endless Basis which would become one of the most important tracks in underground heavy metal history.
Rock House Explosion and the label Explosion Works remain a solid brand and club to this day. What they have done for the music industry (especially for thrash metal later on) is not rivaled by many in my opinion.
The tracks on this recording are all live. And despite the wonderful words I just wrote, it's not the most appealing record. It's all in the history.
gizter on
ken geen een van die bands. ;)
is dit de orginele press? zo ja dan is die egt nog in top staat.
biteyourself on
Originele ja. En zoals beschreven weet bijna niemand hier iets vanaf. De meest bekende muziek van deze LP staat op nummer 2, en dan doel ik op de laatste 2 seconden, want dan start hij namelijk het nummer The Endless basis wat later van Terra Rosa wordt.