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Black Sabbath Personal collection patches

Wed, 15/07/2020 - 14:55

Some patches from my personal collection im willing to part with. Shoot me offers or ask for my prices.

Black Sabbath Personal collection patches
Black Sabbath Personal collection patches
Black Sabbath Personal collection patches

Power Thrashing Debt's picture

Really like those Benediction and Slayer SoH patches, you wouldn't happen to take VenMo would you?

samael6666's picture

Sorry man. Literally cant since im not us based. Not possibpe to link with my account

Power Thrashing Debt's picture

That's a shame, how come you're letting go of such cool patches anyways?

samael6666's picture

Because honetly i have so many here and these are just doubles or ones that wont fit on my jacket

samael6666's picture

Ill try venmo again, see if they changed it

Power Thrashing Debt's picture

If it doesn't work, no biggie

Kofuv6's picture

Isn't VenMo made by Paypal anyway?

Power Thrashing Debt's picture

PayPal blocks my payments

Kofuv6's picture


Hliðskialf's picture

Like an Everflowing Stream is the Greek boot, right?

samael6666's picture

Yup sadly is haha. Didnt know when i bought it either

Hliðskialf's picture

Well, the first step is admitting you have a problem ;)
Just kidding, you can never have enough patches.

samael6666's picture

True true. But i just spent 1k on backpatches alone the past few weeks sooooo.

Hliðskialf's picture

That's quite the amount...then again I paid 250 bucks for a single Magic the Gathering card so who am i to judge?

Power Thrashing Debt's picture

I've got a Pokemon card worth at least 500$, if you're looking to buy card game cards ;)

Kofuv6's picture

200% true

Altair's picture

Oh I want that Obituary patch so badly!

samael6666's picture

Then buy it;)

seedybest's picture

dm'd you

Odious's picture

You wouldn’t still happen to have that witch vomit would you?

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Recent Comments

  • I just got one https://tshirtslayer.com/tshirt-or-longsleeve/darkthrone-blaze-northern-sky-1999-0, paid $240 for mine.
  • These are absolutely amazing!
  • Greatest sortilège pin ever 🎖🇨🇵🎵
  • See also my profile for a somewhat older version and the back of the jacket
  • mors omnibus
  • Phantastic old school demo
  • yeah it is, i know...from their old demo days!
  • I‘ll upload it once I’m done updating it. I have other projects to complete first. 🤘
  • Certainly worth the money
  • It is indeed! It’s already sewn on my Winter Jacket of Doom. I’ll upload it here once it is complete.
  • Hi! I got it from Neseblod, the shop that stands where Helvete Oslo used to be.
  • Full flames! Great longsleeve
  • Those were the times!
  • How much did you get this for and when?
  • How much did you get this for and when?
  • SOLD
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