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Original 1970's CAMEL patch. Mega Rare !

Sun, 25/11/2018 - 23:37

Extremely rare vintage CAMEL patch from the 1970's.
In absolutely perfect condition.

Looking for a trade for something on my wanted list.


Sale or Trade

Year: 1975
Original 1970's CAMEL patch.  Mega Rare !

nelson's picture

super vintage je ne les jamais vue

leswhite's picture

Oui, extrêmement rare et vintage

Blüdrayne's picture

People are so gonna be fighting for this one, to call it MEGA rare is likely an understatement.

leswhite's picture

ha ha, thank you :)

Blüdrayne's picture

It's also a different border colour than what's been previously posted here.

MetalHeadRu's picture

Great patch and album

Left Hand Patch's picture

Aw man you beat me to this one! Very nice

leswhite's picture

ha ha :)

bad_american1992's picture

Glorious patch!

leswhite's picture

cheers :)

Cosmoblaze's picture

Someone's oughta give up an arm and a leg for this bad boy. Never seen one like it.

leswhite's picture

Yeh it is pretty special :)

GoreGrinder666's picture

It cant be vintage if it's woven 😂

George thrash's picture

What do you mean?

leswhite's picture

I think he's just being a smart ass, as he's nit-picking my use of phrase of woven, instead of embriodered, or vice versa.
Its still a 70's era patch. whichever.

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Recent Comments

  • This is so hype
  • That is an absolute truth, of course!
  • This is a super memorable vest because not only did it stand out in a sea of vests at Hells Heroes, but I remember it th
  • Understandable! If I survive longer, I'll come to your funeral (with a shovel) then to pay my respects.
  • I need
  • This one goes with me to the grave. I know there exists a earlier version with just white print as well, really rare.
  • Wicked band, wicked tee🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • That's correct, I just checked the store.
  • can’t wait for the upload! stunning piece
  • thanks bro, it is a difficult patch to get, but I'm about to get it from a UK seller, cheers bro
  • I see you're a man of culture. If you ever want to get rid of this, let me know. 5/5
  • This is the one currently (? I haven't checked for a while) in their store?
  • A very stark look, more white than one might've expected. Great job!
  • Sick patch! What are the measurements?
  • that original is hard to nail, but i hope you nail it soon bro. killer motörhead collection
  • Pue la merde sérieux... Foutre ce genre de groupe moderne à chier en patch sur un perf quoi...