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Motörhead - Sword And Skulls Patch

Tue, 17/10/2023 - 05:40

Motörhead Patch.

I think this patch is a new reproduction, I'm not sure but I think it is, if anyone has more information about this patch I would appreciate it.

Not for sale or trade
Motörhead - Sword And Skulls Patch
Motörhead - Sword And Skulls Patch

Megazero's picture

I don't own this patch but it looks totally 80s from here.

OSOROCK666's picture

Thanks Mate!

Miteux's picture

I have the alternative version of this one,
Logo up in red, sword on the bottom and inverted.

Totally vtg.
Vtg boot if I'm correct.
And a sick one!

OSOROCK666's picture


TheSlayers Slayer's picture

Want to own one of those motörhead patches do bad 🔥🤘

Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Vintage sin duda!

OSOROCK666's picture

Gracias Man!

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