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Kommando Peste Noire patch

Mon, 04/07/2016 - 18:25

Don't mind NWN, it was just resting on the table.

Not for sale or trade
Kommando Peste Noire patch

Nater90's picture

Great patch, Digging their latest release!

Blüdrayne's picture

Nobody with good taste in metal should ever mind NWN.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Please tell me that's irony.

satan's radish's picture

Well, he said "good taste in metal", not "good taste" in general.

Into Glory Ride's picture

which changes basically nothing, because NWN is mainly a Metal Label.
I think it's a joke anyway looking at Mr. Blüdrayne's taste, his uploads and his Avatar Pic alone.

satan's radish's picture

Mr. Serious here...

Blüdrayne's picture

Fuck no. For one, good taste isn't about preference. It's about being able to recognise what and why something is considered objectively good according to its contemporary cultural standards.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Sorry if i don't get the irony (maybe because it's not my mother tongue) . But if it is not, then that is of course correct, You're talking about general aesthetics then. Let's say in a Society where the cultural standards include (Extreme and radical) Metal Music i hope it's irony. ;)

Blüdrayne's picture

There is no irony here. I would have thought that you would at least be able to recognise and respect that NWN provides a platform for underground bands to distribute their material.

I do not really like power metal, but I am able to recognise that Manowar is better than Majesty.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Sorry, i'm stuck. I just don't get it...
"Should ever mind" is the same as "to pay attention" right? Of course i do recognise and respect NWN being a platform for Underground bands, ordered there a dozen times. Don't get the point here. At worst shoot me a PM to explain, since i would like to understand this, haha

Blüdrayne's picture

Oh, no. I see your confusion. I mean that nobody with good taste in metal should object to NWN, even if they don't like them or pay attention to them.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Damn! Then everything makes sense, Haha
Then of course there is not dissent here! Cheers

And even apart from my personal taste, which is of course about preference, one indeed has to admit and respect NWN as a label doing longtime service for extreme Metal Bands all over the world.

Blüdrayne's picture

Yeah haha
Sorry if I seemed to overreact. Just a misunderstanding here, no hard feelings.

Into Glory Ride's picture

No problem at all, i tend to become impatient aswell if people justs don't get my (to me obvious) point.

R.J.'s picture


Regd's picture

It isn't, though Famine has the same patch on his vest.

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Recent Comments

  • amazing
  • This looks awesome! Black and white are the best vests!
  • Cool!
  • think I get this one at ebay
  • thanks, never seen it before! great vest, by the way!
  • I don’t know the mass majority of these bands but I got to respect the commitment to the southern rock theme.
  • Danke dir!
  • Badass
  • Awesome! I have the same one! My favourite motörhead album!!! 🤘🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Very nice, i have this Shirt aswell, but its printed on Screen Stars. I wish mine were printed on B&C like yours!
  • Super dope!
  • I didn’t even realize haha. Thanks dude!
  • I've got a poster of this design somewhere, looks great on a shirt. Always loved that colour pallete.
  • Sure is! Couldn’t pass it up, even though it’s not purple border. And it’s in almost mint condition!
  • where is this from?
  • Total Blood Glorrification!!
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