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Acid Witch DIY Patch Update

Fri, 28/07/2017 - 13:04

A couple weeks ago I went on a vacation with my family- it was really boring so I was either reading books or doing this patch. Since I came back I hardly made any progress-was planning to finish it around this time actually-so I'm a bit sad.
Something funny(at least to me haha) happened during the vacation about this patch, thought I might share it here.
My family decided to go on a boat(?) tour- so of course they dragged me into it as well. And of course I brought my sewing kit with me. There were also other people on boat, around 100 people. I was sitting and doing the patch while listening to music- and then this random old man came up to me and said are you painting that's so cool. I was like wtf at first, but then I kindly explained what I was doing and then later on he asked me is that a boat you're painting- and then I gave up really and said yeah that's a boat. He wanted to show the patch to his daughter- so I let him and gave the patch. Turned out that his daughter had a ''horde'' of middle-aged random friends that a minute ago were dancing to some random oriental music. They were all looking to the patch and making compliments- it was very amusing.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2017
Acid Witch DIY Patch Update

Corvus Corax's picture

So, did you finish your 'painting' of the 'boat'? Ha ha ha.

Awesome progress on this project, by-the-way.

balalayka's picture

thank you so much!

LikkedbyDeath's picture

This is a cool project. :)

balalayka's picture


Valittu's picture

Best band! Have been waiting for new album since 2010 and hopefully it will be out this year...

criaturadelinfierno's picture


MenschMeier's picture

Damn, very nice. Can’t wait to see how it looks finished

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