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Bolt Thrower Loose patches

bad_american1992's picture

Damn... that Protector looks great except for the pin holes

GrimmonsGrim's picture

Yeah, it's never been worn before but yeah I should've found a different way to hang it

Looking into the darkness's picture

Damn, somebody showed no mercy with the Slayer bp as well, haha! :D

GrimmonsGrim's picture

Totally, looks like they had fun with it

TrampCiderTom's picture

That Bolt Thrower one is stunning

GrimmonsGrim's picture


Reaper's picture

What’s written on the Slayer BP?

GrimmonsGrim's picture

I'm not sure. Looks like some occult symbol bullshit

bad_american1992's picture

It looks like Derek Rigg's signature. Weird that it would be on a Slayer patch...

Thiellus's picture

That's undoubtedly Derek Rigg's signature.

GrimmonsGrim's picture


FinnishThrashGuy's picture

is bolt thrower & deicide still available?

GrimmonsGrim's picture

Bolt thrower is gone and I decided to keep deicide

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