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Grave - 25th Anniversary Ltd. Ring

Sun, 22/06/2014 - 18:13

25th (1988-2013) Anniversary Grave Ring in handmade silver, bought at the 25 anniversary gig in Stockholm.

Limited to 15(?) examples, I got the first one at the show for the fair price of 666 SEK.

Opening band was Vomitory (last Stockholm gig ever).

The ring has gotten somewhat warped with my finger over the year and is starting to see some wear n tear (just the way I like it).

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2013
Grave - 25th Anniversary Ltd. Ring
Grave - 25th Anniversary Ltd. Ring
Grave - 25th Anniversary Ltd. Ring
Grave - 25th Anniversary Ltd. Ring

meaningless's picture

impressive..what great item!

Ruit's picture

That's a great ring!

metal_thrashing_dad's picture

One ring to rule them all!!!

RuhrpottKomplott's picture

666 SEK was supposed to be a fair price at the time? LOL, I don't even want to imagine how many moneys must be put on the table for you to give this beauty

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