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are any of the members from dystopia in other bands??

Tue, 15/10/2024 - 05:44

ive been wanting to branch out and i havent seen alot but normally when bands break up people form new ones or have solo projects has anyone form dystopia done so? if they have PLEASE let me know :3

Envenometal's picture

There are nine metal bands called Dystopia. The link might help:


Go to the one you mean and just look it up...

twisted_wizard_warrior's picture

i meant the sludge/crust punk band lol i forgot that theres multiple dystopias

Beer.Browser's picture

You know what one he means…

a chicken's picture

Dino was in Ghoul and then Noothgrush for a few years, but I think he's hung up the sticks, at least for new projects. From this interview he seems pretty adamant against playing/writing stuff for Dystopia ever again, and I don't blame him


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Recent Comments

  • Awesome Hoodie!! Yeah, Behemoth have great designs in their shop. I'd actually buy all of it.
  • thank you man🤘
  • Hail El Duce!!! 5Flames this shirt is sick \m/
  • So good
  • fucken excellent
  • Woow never seen before
  • With sleeve Is very cool!!
  • Got it at burningleathermx Shop in February
  • It is an offical Patch witch l got from Mexico.
  • love this.
  • I'm not into WG, but this is an awesome battle jacket - simple but effective als hell!! ^^
  • Zum einen: coole Kutte - würde schon fast sagen: Beileid, dass die erste geklaut wurde, werde meine bei Festivals auf je
  • Nice ! I must have a tshirt somewhere with the same visual !
  • Never seen this one before!
  • Never seen this before
  • It's from 2023? Nevertheless it looks awesome. Where did you buy it?