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patches and where to get them

no karate in pit
Wed, 21/12/2022 - 02:38

im so fuckin sick of amazon patches only besides a few i need to find out where to get patches

help me or ill kill jeff bezos

Schizo's picture

Ebay, etsy, and Tshirtslayer of course

zilin's picture

check my page if you need any of them~ofc ebay have lots

Streptococcus's picture

Everything previously mentioned is great; a couple smaller distros I would recommend would be Rapture Textiles, Armed with Hammers, Starside Relics, Urtod Void, Descecration of Souls, and Unholy patches. Also, if you hit up MungoBumpkin on here he is a great dude that runs Mungo Patches and if you are having difficulty getting patches/are newer to metal he will normally find a way to hook you up somehow. A couple Ebay merchants if you would want a place to start shop wise instead of just searching for "*insert band* woven patch" or something similar, some of my favorites are dark_penguinv, cultpatches666, and the obvious HorribleManiacProductions which is one and the same to zilin/BHMOXM.

zilin's picture

Thank you sooooo much bro!!

Streptococcus's picture

Of course man, I love your distro so much it would be a crying shame not to mention it whenever I can!

no karate in pit's picture


no karate in pit's picture

guess jeff will make it to next christmas

Overactive Imagination's picture

You can find some here:


bad_american1992's picture

Only the dankest ov patches from the Brvh Kvlt

no karate in pit's picture

thank dude i really appreciate it

Paganinfear's picture

Don't forget nuclear winter productions when it comes to smaller distros!

Streptococcus's picture

Damn how could I forget 🤦‍♂️

Chab's picture

The hunt is better than the catch! Do your own homework.... But the distros above are all cool

Paganinfear's picture

True that!

doomtilldeath's picture

A few more not mentioned yet: Dark Prods, BloodLikeRain, Inner Paths Patches, Temporal Dimensions Patches, Whispers of Death patches, Veil of the Void patches

no karate in pit's picture

what a awesome community metalheads are the nicest people alive

Patrick Huber's picture

Nah I'm not nice. I pee in the sink and eat Nutella with a big spoon. I'm pure evil.

no karate in pit's picture

the one we were warned of

Agrunge hippie on a quest for heroin flyingfish2's picture

I'm not nice either I say that I'm not hungry to my grandma when she wants to give me more food and Im also the secret master mind behind 9/11

no karate in pit's picture

I have changed evil now I don't wash my hands when I am done peeing and I pick my nose and put on walls in public places I also killed the leader of Germany during ww2

adawntofear's picture

just got myself a few patches from Hell awaits patches. could also be one to check:
and recently got two patches here too: https://www.shop.immortalfrostproductions.com.

no karate in pit's picture

rad just got a bunch of patches from ebay and more are coming through out january also got a new levis jacket for them all

adawntofear's picture

great, cant wait to see them on here :-)

no karate in pit's picture

ill let you know when i get them

no karate in pit's picture

anniihilator and toxic holocaust arrived to day they look great and are very sturdy

Tina Taem 22's picture

i usually get my Patches through Ebay and Metal Devastation. 🤘🏻🤘🏻

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Recent Comments

  • Yep! Love this one for real, but need money right now... And always wanted to make one with Woven Hoof, so we'l
  • I was about to say, there is one member who is fiending for this patch hahaha. Looks like he's already claimed it!
  • Indeed, but lettin' it go haha. Hope to make an official one pretty soon.
  • on a website called metal devastation took a bit to get here but it was worth very cheap 2
  • on a website called metal devastation took a bit to get here but it was worth very cheap 2
  • still available?
  • Nice! The bp and the flannel go together perfectly.
  • Simple but lovely patch for a great band. 🤘
  • Yeah ! This is a great release
  • Nice hoodie. Decently sought after would you say?
  • Thank you! Doom appreciation.
  • big want of mine!!!
  • Thanks mate!!
  • I'd like to I tested out the colors for a death atlas and it would come out perfectly but I think ima chill with ca
  • 😯 you noticed yeah lol I traded my other to a bud way back aha
  • Thanks mate!! They'll be on sale for a bit if still want some others!