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Cavalera - Morbid devastation - Towel

Sun, 04/08/2024 - 19:53

Cavalera - Morbid devastation - Towel...bought at the gig...i like shit like that..hahaha...(when its not expensive, for sure...)

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2024
Cavalera - Morbid devastation - Towel

madbutcher's picture

I want to say cool but i can't :)))

meaningless's picture

hahahaha...i know what u mean :-D

bad_american1992's picture

Nice purchase if it's a sweaty indoor gig, hahah

meaningless's picture

lucky me....it was a open air! Solo headliner gig but open air, it was so great! (was never before on that location in slovenia, but damn it was worth it...)

Ill check my pics...and will upload a few..., interested?

bad_american1992's picture

Yes please!!!

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