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no karate in pit on
bad_american1992 on
Start mowing them lawns and saving up $ this summer my dude, see you there hahaha
If you can scrape the money together you can get out of the Minnesota cold and enjoy 3 days of sun and METAL in SOCAL !
no karate in pit on
sounds like a dream come true, but i don't think my parents would let me use the car
LOL !!! Damn thats wh I got a job in HS and bought my own first transportation.
bad_american1992 on
Damn now this is a show I'd like to see! This would be AC/DC's first post-Coronashit concert as well and the first time they play material off of Power Up. Anyone know if Ozzy any good these days?
Ozzy can still sing, he doesn't move around so will anymore, I saw some video where he was where he had to strapped to something that helped him stand but I don't know if that was just because the portion of the stage he was on was lifted into the air.
I haven't seen AC/DC post Malcom (RIP) but would love too.
MrCrispy13 on
Wasnt it just February that Ozzy cancelled his tour saying his touring is over with a spinal injury? Wow he healed fast.
no karate in pit on
sharon!!! never mind ill do the fucking festival this place is crazy these days ya know back in my day you could eat bats and not cause a pandemic i need a drink- ozzy
BloodFireDeath on
I heard Iron Maiden is gonna do their Somewhere in Time setlist they're doing on their recently announced European tour, which that alone should be reason to go, however i'm not super keen on paying over 600 for tickets.
bad_american1992 on
Fuck... I'm sold... last time I saw them they played loads of Seventh Son material so this would be icing on the cake.
Im indifferent about Tool although I have never seen them live but I am definitely interested in seeing all the others for various reasons.
MorticiA on
$600??? FUCK MAN. See, shit like this really pisses me off, the fucking Rolling Stones did the same thing back in 2008/2009 when the ecomnomy went to shit and I find it fucking insulting. Helllloooo??? People are under hard financial times???
$600 is a rip. I’ll wait to see Maiden when they go on their own tour next year. I would love to see Ozzy again though. The last time I saw him was at the free Ozzfest in 2007.
$600 for all three days 2 bands a night $100 per band, if you break it down that way it may be worth it if you "want" to see all six bands, but I agree not worth it if there is only one or two bands your interested in. I would imagine if they have trouble selling the package they may do individual nights at a cheaper rate.
Darklord on
Wow my neck of the woods I can't fuckin wait...this sounds awesome !
Will you be attending ? Who you looking forward to seeing most?
Darklord on
Been a minute since I have seen AC/DC and Maiden if I can scrape together the money I will try to be there for all 3 nights.
hdmando on
Really wanted to see Ozzy but he's out for the season. I hope I can go but I was able to get my tshirt for the festival for now.
Chab on
^^^Yes ozzy was replaced with Judas priest
Darklord on
Yes !!! Judas Priest taking Ozzy's spot on the roster EPIC
bad_american1992 on
Just like in 1992 and 2004... getting to be a habit lol.
ThatBillyGuy on
This seems like it would be fun but only 2 bands a night?! I looked at tickets and its stupid expensive for 2 bands. This would be great but i would not pay all of the money to see 2 bands.
no karate in pit on
judas priest is a pretty solid replacement for ozzy
anyone else gonna cry when ozzy finally goes
Overactive Imag... on
If you don’t camp you’re fucked over by hotel & Airbnb prices. So expensive
bad_american1992 on
Any of you cheeky bastards go? How was the concert?
Darklord on
Night 1 Friday...Iron Maiden ... Did a kick ass set (as usual)
25 to 30 song set from GNR ...band was tight but Axl can't sing for shit anymore.
Night 2 Saturday ... AC/DC for the first show in 7 years they did well (missed Malcolm though) Angus still shreds but Brian Johnson is losing his voice (dissapointing)
Judas Priest I love Priest...played a great set love the song choices, but Halford didn't sing many choruses and at times the band sounded hollow, don't know if it was an equipment issue or the sound system ...I dunno.
Crowd so far has SUCKED though, low energy. bunch of middle aged and older fans that just don't seem excited (maybe it was the ticket prices) bunch of bitchy old ladies who made their fan husbands bring them even though they aren't into the bands, seems like a senior moment.
Hope Metallica can blow it up tonight.
These are MY personal opinions and obsevations.
slayerslayer on
thank you for the review !
bad_american1992 on
Sadly I think this echos a bitter truth that the golden age of heavy metal heros of our youth is drawing to a close... I watched some youtube videos of the event and man most of these rockers look like total geezers now. But somehow Maiden keeps chugging along the same as they always have, wonder what their secret is hahaha.
I heard complaints online that Tool was refusing to use the Jumbotron and only the fans in the absolute front (out of 80,000) got to actually see them perform. Sounds like classic Maynard
Darklord on
Took me about 2 weeks to recover from the heat stroke of standing in 100 + degree heat for 3 days. METALLICA rocked crowd for their set was a little better.
Overall review of the weekend was it was great to see all these MONSTERS of Metal. The "idea" was great.
The execution however sucked. Very expensive pit tickets, very expensive accommodations, and the heat sucked. The crowd disappointed...wil not ever do it again.
I do look forward seeing more bands this year. Just got tickets for 200 Stab Wounds, Frozen Soul who are touring together can't wait for that gig in November.