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Vulture The Guillotine

Sun, 09/06/2024 - 17:35

Major update! Still a bit of work left yet but couldn't wait to post. After moving to Chicago and failing to find a job, I had to sell all of my vintage patches and almost every vest I had to survive. After finally stabilizing, I've spent a good chunk of time dedicated to recollecting the patches I once had to finish the Vulture vest I started many years ago.
This project was always meant as a dedication to the bands that really got me into metal as a kid. I remember discovering TSS around 2014-15, and just being in awe of the cool vintage thrash patches, but being in HS working part time, couldn't really afford them. It was exciting to go back and collect these as a kid. However, I didn't want this to just be another 80's vest. I wanted to promote a lot of the newer bands that re-ignited my love for speed. I really do consider Vulture, Stalker, and Sphinx to be the greatest speed / thrash of the new era!
Big thanks to the users RottingChris, Music4u, BornbyevilThread, TheSlayers Slayer, _Ashes.against.the.grain_, KoolG71, Uberevils, and ladypower5! I am beyond grateful for your help and reliability.

Right now, I'm primarily focused on finding the vintage Dark Angel logo to go above the protector patch, and then the red Overkill Under th Influence patch to go above Megadeth.
I also did finally find the OG bootleg atheist patch with the yellow border so I'll be swapping out the black bordered one. After that, I'll just be filling in the remaining side spaces.
(I may move the Wraith logo, not a big fan of how it suffocates so much of the Antichrist patch).

Not for sale or trade
Vulture The Guillotine
Vulture The Guillotine
Vulture The Guillotine
Vulture The Guillotine
Vulture The Guillotine
Vulture The Guillotine

toefisch's picture

This is fixing to be your best work yet. Can’t wait to see how the final product looks!!

Allpathsendthesame's picture

Looks killer!

CloakedinMurk's picture

Lookin mighty fineeeee \m/ B)

CloakedinMurk's picture

Loving the stitching, band choices, and the studs.

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Recent Comments

  • Absolutely thx ! New record is also a true return to form
  • Is that the black glitter border?
  • same bro samee!
  • Just saying someone is selling one in better condition in case you want one in better condition
  • Thanks!
  • Yeah I've left the world behind sewing that BP on
  • Cool!
  • Thanks for comment! I don't wear this vest at the my show.
  • Totally forgot I had this one back in the day. Thanks for posting!
  • It is a really sweet one definitely one of my favourites
  • Ye, people are just comin out of the wood works with all their crazy stuff lately
  • Sorry dude, this one's going on my jacket once I finally got the time for an update
  • Thanks!!
  • I own this as well, I think I’ve only seen 1 other post on here. It’s a sweet patch!
  • That’s fucking awesome man, you’ve been making crazy scores lately
  • Yep,I lucked out and got the last one they had in their back log