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Slayer sir_bobos Band Vest

Sat, 20/11/2010 - 19:11

Black BDU Jacket with no sleves
This is the vest only of bands that I like and I've seen live.
Got the patches at shows and online. Also a couple misc. patches.

Still a lot of space for a lot of bands I hope to see.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2009

Metalitzi's picture

Some nice bands on there. I'd want to see Inquisition, but they come here pretty seldomly...
You should really get a backpatch, it would really look better imo.

If I would only have patches of bands I have seen, I had to get a new vest (too many :D )

CryptKeeper's picture

Well, you wouldn't have to put on ALL bands you've ever seen live... But if I had to remove the patches of all the bands I haven't seen live yet, it would - unfortunately - become quite empty...

@ topic: I really would put on a backpatch, at least a huge band logo patch if you don't want a giant square backpatch. You have plenty of free space anyway, and you could still remove it to fill that space up with small patches...

sir_bobos's picture

Thanks man, I would put a backpatch on there but I think I want to try and fit as many bands on there as I can.

Metaalharses's picture

Yarrr! showw me yer hooks! I spy with me wooden eye a swashbuckle patch. They were pretty awesome on Wacken 2009..isnt that right Polly *sqwuak* they were awesome, they were awesome *sqwuak,whistle*

sorry bout that, anyway good shit on here. I always feel a bit of national pride when ever I see a pestilence patch. Also good choice with krisiun.. looking forward to final product :)

3/5 because it's still very blank

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

Ha ROB ZOMBIE! he was my favorite when i was younger. I think his last two albums were terrible though. I got that inquisition patch when i saw them live. Where did you score the goatwhore and belphegor patch?

sir_bobos's picture

Rob Zombie is still a really good showman, his concert was a lot of fun. Got Belphegor and Goatwhore at their shows.

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

Yes he is, ive seen him twice (05-06). Great patches. When i saw goatwhore they only had a few shirts and nothing else.

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