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Antaeus (Mostly) French Black Metal battle vest

Sun, 26/11/2023 - 07:07
Not for sale or trade
Antaeus (Mostly) French Black Metal battle vest
Antaeus (Mostly) French Black Metal battle vest
Antaeus (Mostly) French Black Metal battle vest

Ahn's picture

Great layout, nice and minimal!

HaineDeFrance's picture

The old xasthur logo is great

CAVE's picture

official zss ?

ConcreteMascara's picture

Yup straight from the source

CAVE's picture

I m jealous

TheAlchemyst369's picture

Damn, love that ZSS patch! Wish I had one, any idea where I could get my hands on one?

ConcreteMascara's picture

I might have another one. Ill check. Otherwise i think theyre long sold out

TheAlchemyst369's picture

Okay, thank you very much!😁

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