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Megadeth A def leppard running wild on the manilla road.

Thu, 20/10/2016 - 09:55

Update on the Manillogwarmaster Road Warrior Leisure Suit.
Updates are:

Added 2 custom-made X-Cops patches on the shoulders. Added a Judas Priest Painkiller circle patch I had lying around (want to replace it with something though, because there's already a patch of them on the front) and a Gamma Ray Land Of The Free circle patch.
Put an angel and devil on there to guide me.;-)

Replaced the Venom with Grave Digger (Heavy Metal Breakdown!!!). Because of the shoulder patches I had to move the upper patches on the back a little bit down. This way the Venom art was nearly entirely buried under the Bolt Thrower backpatch, so I replaced it. Will find another place for it once I shaped it.
Added The Rods to the bottom. Bought this patch at their show last April. They still know how to rock!

Switched the Hammerfall to the other side and added the Scanner patch.
Replaced the Grave Digger patch, because they are now already represented on the back and I needed room. I really love the "Ballads Of A Hangman" patch and album (and tour!), but I am striving to have every band only one time on my jacket, so this was a tough decision.
Put the Paragon Hell Beyond Hell patch I bought with the limited edition of the album when I saw them in April in its place.
Switched the left side around in order to make the replacements.
Added a Saxon, Rainbow and a Judas Priest patch I bought a long time ago.
Added a Ted Nugent and Gary Moore patch to the bottom.
Added Beavis & Butt-Head and Skeletor to liven things up.

No picture of my son David this time (maybe I'll add one later), but if you look closely you can see him in the form of Dave Brockie, David Defeis, David Feinstein, Dave Mustaine, Dave Murray,...

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2015
Megadeth A def leppard running wild on the manilla road.
Megadeth A def leppard running wild on the manilla road.
Megadeth A def leppard running wild on the manilla road.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Great Update , Bro! Put to favorites once more.
I do not know if i mentioned this last time already, but who cares anyway: I love the synchronicity on Your vest! Be it the 2 Iron Kobra, the RunningWild/DefLeppard Combo, or now the Scanner/Hammerfall.
And - here aswell i do not know if i called it out already - i really, really like the Manowar-VirginSteele-AncientRites-BoltThrower-Combo. Looks like it was meant to be exactly like that!

Ride on!

Edit: The only thing that comes to mind at the moment I would change, is switching the two MTV-Heads (as i am not a fan of B&B personally) with a He-Man Patch, as an antagonist to Skeletor, that would be so badass!
And add a Battleroar and Dexter Ward Patch. ;-)

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you very much, brother! Really means a lot to me! Yes, totally, I'm a big fan of symmetry myself. And I'm quite proud how everything turned out so far (without sounding to smug about it.;-)). It just came together naturally.
I just knew you would give me a hard time about putting B & B on here!;-) I had them lying around and to be quite frank, I doubted long and hard about it. The music is very important to me and I don't want to dumb anything down. I wasn't even a fan of the show in the 90ies. But I recently watched episode after episode on YouTube and I just laughed my ass off! So when I rediscovered these patches and when I saw the outline on the Crüe patch fitted together with Butt-Head's profile I just saw it as a sign to put them on.:-) Always had a crazy sense of humour and now it's reflected on my jacket.:-D
When I ordered the Skeletor patch, there indeed was a He-Man patch to match it but it wasn't well made (the legs looked crooked), so I didn't order it. I put it on the Thor patch instead since he kinda reminds me of He-Man.:-)
Yes, there is still something missing under the King Diamond and on the bottom front, but I'm not too pressed to fill it up. I just buy a patch now and again and it eventually will get full.
This vest needs a lot more patches (I'm just discovering Battleroar and Dexter Ward, so it's too early for one of those, but chances are in their favor:-)).

Into Glory Ride's picture

Anytime, man!
Ah well, if it is earned there is no need to feel ashamed of being proud! It is natural.
Hahaha, "Hard time", i did not know i am so transparent, haha! Well that is a personal thing to me , i am just not a fan of any "fun" patches on vests like Smilies etc. (the Skeletor is awesome though!), but you know the answer: It's Your vest. ;)
Haha, yeah i of course thought of that correlation between Thor and the prince of Grayskull aswell. But it just would be awesome to have him either on the other side of the vest or directly next to each other like they were fighting or something. Surely better than those two ranting dudeds from MTV ;p
haha, Batteroar and Dexter ward were of course a bit of a "joke", but i am sure you'll like what i sent You!

Cheers man!

Edit to the He-Man case again: I would find this combination quite cool:

Chainbreaker's picture

:-) You're not so transparent, but I anticipated and understand your vision regarding fun patches for the full 100 %. I would tear you limb from limb if I saw you putting a Beavis & Butt-Head patch on your vest. Your vest is a dedication and celebration of epic metal. Putting a fun patch on it would feel to me like a spit in the face and on all things I value as being sacred. But since my vest is already an amalgam of all things I like (or that have meant something to me in the past), both serious and not so serious, I don't feel any remorse. Nobody dedicated to just one genre would take me serious in this vest anyway even though I am. I can hear them think: Bolt Thrower and Virgin Steele directly next to each other, come on! But fuck 'em! I know that by wearing this vest I'm true to myself and to the music. I can imagine you get some shit too for listening to Canadian War Metal, Italian Power Metal and all things in between. Until they get around to talking to you and understand you really "get" the music.
Yeah, I would really like to have a battle scene between He-Man and Skeletor like on the "BREAKER"jacket, but this would leave me less room for bands I love. So many great bands and ideas and just one jacket.:-(
:-D I knew the remark regarding Battleroar and Dexter Ward was a joke, but I really like what I hear and anyway, I take the things you say always very seriously.;-)
Have a good one!

Chainbreaker's picture

Edit: I also like the combination of patches you posted, but again they would rob me of too much precious band space. But thanks a lot for posting them anyway! Cheers!

Chainbreaker's picture

Edit 2: I must admit I cringe a litte inside now seeing Beavis "rock out" next to the 2112 patch, an album I hold very dearly, but damn you, I'll leave it in place!:-(

Into Glory Ride's picture

Well it honestly looks like he does n o t hold this album too dear, swinging his fist. :D
On the other hand they both rant at everything, so...

I can hear it: "Fucking Rush ähähähä...Candadians... uuuh, Progressive 'Metal', we are so intellectual ...ähähä fucking pussies ähähähä"

Chainbreaker's picture

No it doesn't, it really doesn't... Damn you! I'm not talking to you anymore!;-)

Der Todesking's picture

This vest is awesome!!! Not all the bands are really of my taste, but I just love the look of it!
And I love the Beavis & Butthead patches - I like fun patches in general! Homer Simpson would fit on there as well! Of course those fun patches don't fit on any vest, but on this one I actually think it goes quite well!

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you Todesking!! Glad you like it! Yes, I also love a couple of fun patches here and there! I wanted to make only 1 vest and it to feature a lot of my favorite bands/albums across different genres, both serious and not so serious. Only problem with such a vest is that people might think I don't take anything serious. Ah, well...

Chainbreaker's picture

Edit: I just noticed a funny coincidence. He-Man actually is on the vest. Skeletor is standing on the Pornograffiti patch and one of my favorite songs on that album is He Man Woman Hater!!!:-D

Into Glory Ride's picture

Edit 2: And of course there is something missing under the King Diamond!?

Gyklare's picture

This is easily one of the most aesthetically pleasing vests I've seen on this site. Well done!

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you very much for your comment! You give me too much praise, but I'm glad you like it. Have a good one and c u around!

19Philthy16's picture

Funny, I was exactly thinking the same as Gyklare!^^ That really is one hell of an eye-pleasing jacket, even if there are not my bands at all! The symmetry on the back is insane! Great job, man!

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you so very much! Really means a lot to me that you gave me your full 5 flames, especially since they aren't even your bands! Cheers!

Hughes's picture

Mother of God... That layout kicks ass.

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

fauzan big's picture

Awesome vest! i really love the layout. Favourited

Chainbreaker's picture

Wow, Doc, this really is too much honour! Thanks for the comment!

Chainbreaker's picture

I'm honoured you favourited this! Thanks a lot!

streicherzzy's picture

the Front is so great

Chainbreaker's picture

Danke vielmals für die Flammen!

waldpyk's picture

One of the best.

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you, really means a lot to me! I'm really flattered! And sorry for the late reply, I had a lot of shit going on lately.

SodomaniacGermany's picture

Great vest man! Really like the Judas Priest Shield.

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you brother!!! Funny you say that, because I'm seriously doubting at the moment to replace that shield with a vintage Accept patch I have lying around that would fit better. I absolutely love this shield patch, but I already have the Painkiller boot. And I'm striving to have each band only once on my vest. Also still needs a Sodom patch!;-)

SodomaniacGermany's picture

Haha, maybe you can give it to me ;) Yes, a Sodom patch would be absolutely beautiful on this jacket :D

Chainbreaker's picture

Haha, nice try;-)

Morbideath's picture

5 flames for any vest with a Manowar BP!

Chainbreaker's picture

Hahaha, thank you, brother! Can't wait to see your traditional vest finished! Also: I need those Manowar pins.;-)

Suff Sleazy's picture

Looking very nice. Love the Skeletor patch :)

Chainbreaker's picture

Thank you! Yeah, I'm a child of the 80ies and I love He-Man, Thundercats, Dungeons & Dragons and all those shows!

Fukkunt's picture

Looking for this Samantha fox patch

Chainbreaker's picture

Got it from Rock By Mail 5 years ago, but I see they don't carry it anymore.

From the tomb's picture

Awesome work here, the bands, Dredd, Skeletor, Samantha Fox on the same vest, all that i love, just Sabrina is missing, hot jacket! :)

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