TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Deathhammer Black Thrash Vest

Sun, 22/01/2023 - 14:40

Second vest i'm working on. Still waiting on the backpatch, will post the back once that's on. Sleeves will go off in the summer of course. Cheers

Not for sale or trade
Deathhammer Black Thrash Vest

Chab's picture

Nice mix of bands! Looks great

Eknim's picture


Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Looks cool, which backpatch you will sew?

Eknim's picture

Its gonna be Nifelheims debut! One of the ultimate black thrash albums imo.

Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Great election!!

fauzan big's picture

Awesome!! So much great stuff and nice layout

Eknim's picture

Much appreciated! Cheers

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