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type o negative x2

Wed, 16/10/2024 - 01:40

iconic or lame.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1994
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
More: Type O Negative TShirts Type O Negative Patches
type o negative x2
type o negative x2

braaaxton's picture

fucking insane and crazy broooo

Steven Price's picture

Iconic. You must be dropping some serious dough on the type o shirts lately.

coffinrest's picture

i got the longsleeve in a 3 shirt trade and the orange hit my wife found for $220.

Steven Price's picture

$220 is a score that one usually goes for way more. Someone is trying to sell one on Grailed for 6k. It'll never sell for that I think a more realistic price would be like $500 and even that is ridiculous for a t shirt. That's why out of all my type o merch shirts is what I have the least of cause people want too much

coffinrest's picture

an orange christian woman sold for $950 on depop recently. i found that insane.

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Recent Comments

  • Cool looking patches and that’s very nice of you! Why would security confiscate them? They’re just patches
  • Well played old mate... well played......
  • I was gonna say, absolutely crazy. Never seen it before.
  • Enjoy maniac!
  • Absolutely wicked job, hope they find good homes🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • what shirt
  • Thanks :) it’s one of my favorites
  • Super cool, haven't seen a Slint shirt before!
  • I love your Nevermore collection!! If you are ever willing to trade or sell, just tell me.
  • Yes but this one is different, because its actually limited for real this time we promise
  • Awesome!!!!!! Where did you get it from? Gerade gesehen das geht auch so. Die Box ist super cool!!
  • Thank you sooo much!!!!
  • Beautiful
  • Killer!!