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Extol "Undecieved" T-Shirt

Dr. Fill
Tue, 29/10/2019 - 18:24

Extol "Undecieved" T-Shirt circa 1999, size 2XL. As a Christian, I hold Extol extremely close to my heart, and this is without question their finest hour, playing inhumanly progressive blackened metal that doesn't conform to any stereotypes yet still writing catchy, memorable songs. My big gripe with Undeceived is that the production is fairly nerve-frying in it's almost 80's OTT treble overload (the vocals can peel paint) but hot dang if they can't outplay just about anybody. I would totally trade this for one that isn't 3 sizes too big for me!


Year: 1999
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
More: Extol TShirts Extol Patches
Extol "Undecieved" T-Shirt
Extol "Undecieved" T-Shirt
Extol "Undecieved" T-Shirt
Extol "Undecieved" T-Shirt
Extol "Undecieved" T-Shirt

Gorejuicexxx's picture

This album is awesome!
Why dont you try resizing it?

Zastrozzi's picture

Love Extol's first two albums, but I agree about the production on this one, and its the reason I don't listen to it often; it's physically painful!

Dr. Fill's picture

Yeah, skull-frying highs like an injection of freezing cold water staright into your skull cavity! Insane playing though, and "Ember" is basically untouchable.

EQA's picture

Fantastic. Probably the nicest Extol shirt I've seen.

Dr. Fill's picture

Thanks man!

jlonga's picture

One of my favorite albums of all time. I always keep my eyes peeled so that I can snag this origunal shirt someday

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Recent Comments

  • about an hour ago
    Such a great album of German Heavy Metal that more people need to appreciate!
  • about an hour ago
    ahahahaha that's legendary
  • about 3 hours ago
    Looks awesome! Must be really painful to sew on.
  • about 3 hours ago
    That's a pretty nice looking boot, I gotta say...
  • about 5 hours ago
    Sick shit
  • about 5 hours ago
    Unofficial but still a very nice patch.
  • about 5 hours ago
    The boys are back in town ! The cowboy hang in the nightlife in Chinatown
  • about 6 hours ago
    Hey I just discovered that Merch Now still has this shirt for sale, and so I've bought one in the exact size I pref
  • about 6 hours ago
    Real sick design, def in my top 5 of shirts in my collection.
  • about 6 hours ago
    Wow! This is almost as cool as the original version.
  • about 6 hours ago
    Digging this dripping logo version. Super sick
  • about 6 hours ago
    What a beautiful shirt. I'd love to own it personally. If you ever want to trade for it, send me a message.
  • about 6 hours ago
    This is indeed a supremely bitchin and extremely fuckin rare shirt, but $600 is too much $$ for any Skinless shirt.
  • about 7 hours ago
    Yo man, will you be willing to sell this
  • about 7 hours ago
    Great patch, who made these?
  • about 7 hours ago
    Yo, would you be willing to sell this?