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2000s devourment baby killer shirt

Sun, 30/07/2023 - 00:16

original vintage piece it’s a size small and cut off, but if anyone is down to trade for either a medium or large, it would be very much appreciated and we can trade them, just dm me if you’re interested!!

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2000s devourment baby killer shirt
2000s devourment baby killer shirt

minnszy's picture

lmfao i got the other one from the same seller on depop

frankiegrind's picture

nice u lucky asf for getting the ls lmao

minnszy's picture

The craziest thing is its not even a long sleeve LMAO he cut the long sleeve into short sleeves

frankiegrind's picture

bruhhh what you gotta be kidding! before he sent it out he cut them?

minnszy's picture

Noo he cut the long sleeve into around short sleeve length. the pic just doesn't show that they were cut LOL. im not mad ab it tho good price for super sick shirt

frankiegrind's picture

true true i’m looking for a trade the small fits but a medium or large would be better still dope tho

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