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Terrorizer / Nausea - Split demos

Fri, 17/05/2013 - 18:52

Terrorizer/Nausea - Split LP, 12" on green vinyl, also released via Headache Rec. in 1991.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1991
In Group: Bootleg music
Terrorizer / Nausea - Split demos
Terrorizer / Nausea - Split demos
Terrorizer / Nausea - Split demos
Terrorizer / Nausea - Split demos

gloriousdeath's picture

Classic stuff !!! Man, that's GREEN... it almost hurts your eyes hahaha

meaningless's picture

haha..lol true...and both things ;)

NISSE666's picture

Don´t remember how the bands sounds, but damn that looks great!

meaningless's picture

rly? damn...dude...Terrorizers debut-album is a master piece in Death/Grind! Its a fucking killer. And Nausea was the 'following' band then. Less Grind - more Death. A raw and brutal old US death :)
(Check out: Nausea - Crime against humanity - fantastic album)

NISSE666's picture

Terrorizer world downfall is a great album! I had a case of temporary amnesia : )=

meaningless's picture

haha..ok, otherwise i would be rly surprised ;)

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