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Asbestosdeath Sludge/Doom/Stoner/Drone Collection

Comella77's picture

Very nice !! Do you boost the Rat with the tube screamer??

dripping_gore's picture

Sometimes, but most of the time I run the RAT alone. I usually boost the Super Fuzz with the Tube Screamer, but I'll run the tube screamer through the RAT every now and then

Comella77's picture

When you boost with the TS at unit volume, you're adding some gain or toner from the TS ?

dripping_gore's picture

a little of both but mostly gain and I use the fuzz for more tone

Comella77's picture

Got it ! Thanks for the tip !!

Lonebanger's picture

5 flames for Corrupted ! Discovering this band and they're genius.

bad_american1992's picture

Man you have an inspiring and stoned setup!!! Love the Orange combo their gear is the tits

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