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Machine Head - Supercharger - orig.Firstpress Digipack CD

Sun, 01/11/2015 - 16:11

Machine Head's - Supercharger - orig.Firstpress EU Version lim.edit. digipack CD.

(nope, i dont own any Vinyl stuff or Single/Live albums of Machine Head...just their album firstpresses)

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2001
Machine Head - Supercharger - orig.Firstpress Digipack CD
Machine Head - Supercharger - orig.Firstpress Digipack CD
Machine Head - Supercharger - orig.Firstpress Digipack CD
Machine Head - Supercharger - orig.Firstpress Digipack CD
Machine Head - Supercharger - orig.Firstpress Digipack CD

gloriousdeath's picture

of course you have everything haha

meaningless's picture

haha..just the full length albums :) ...not more. No live-albums, singles or something on Vinyl. Just their full albums on CD, thats it :)

gloriousdeath's picture

its more than i have....

dubtribe's picture

Great collection !

meaningless's picture

thx very much :) this album is better then many think..it just need more turns - imo

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