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Type O Negative Pin

Wed, 08/01/2020 - 00:59

Update Wed, 08/01/2020 - 00:59 - The information below is probably incorrect, this item was previously traded/sold.

Alchemy Pewter

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1996
Type O Negative Pin
Type O Negative Pin

Nater90's picture

Simply incredible, nice score mate.

ManInTheBox's picture

Yeah man, can’t wait to put it on my jacket! Time to find some of those pin protectors or whatever they’re called

Nater90's picture

Hell yeah!! Their pin savers, I use them definitely recommend.


ManInTheBox's picture

Thanks dude!

Nater90's picture

No problem matey

ManInTheBox's picture

I agree :)

samael6666's picture

You found? Awesome man! Hope because of my recommendation? Also my fb account got deleted so replying here

ManInTheBox's picture

Damn, what happened? AncientMetalhead and I were talking about a possible deal for a while here haha

samael6666's picture

Alright. Someone i guess reported me for a patch i posted so my whole account got deleted

samael6666's picture

Yeah idk. I had a patch in there that might be offensive, alright. But i removed it earlier and threw it away. So idk why i waa reported or anything. Stupid shit tbh

ManInTheBox's picture

I actually can’t stand that group and all of the edgelords and drama inside it. Can’t wait to finish my jacket so I can leave it and just stay here

samael6666's picture

They wont give me a reason so no idea tbh

bad_american1992's picture

Dude a sick ass pin! Great acquisition!

ManInTheBox's picture

One of, if not the only pin I would put on my vest :D

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