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Vengeance Rising embroidered patch

Tue, 10/01/2012 - 03:32

I no longer have an extra one of these for sale. I only have the one sewn onto my vest. Sorry.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1991
Patch - Vengeance Rising embroidered patch

CommunistKruzher's picture

awesome, speechless!!

ultmetal's picture

I have one of these for trade/sale.

bouke777's picture

hey scott!
heven't heard from you, i send a private message but anyway..
you sell it to me for 20 euro? :)

ultmetal's picture

Sorry. I sold it several weeks ago for $25 US. However, I have a friend who also has one for sale. I'll see if I can hook you up.

bouke777's picture

okay :(
yeah maybe if youi can bring him in contact with me :)
i REALLY want one haha :P
thanx anyway ^^

ultmetal's picture

Can't get him to part with it bro. Sorry.

sfusyron's picture

Nice patch..

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