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URFAUST Backpatch

Morbid Eye
Tue, 27/08/2024 - 18:04

Update Thu, 19/09/2024 - 17:47 - The information below is probably incorrect, this item was previously traded/sold.

Unused, bought from Van Records some years ago.

Not for sale or trade
URFAUST Backpatch
URFAUST Backpatch
URFAUST Backpatch

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Recent Comments

  • How nice of her! Meanwhile I had to miss The Dead Milk Men to see Buzzcocks.
  • Where did you get this yo?
  • Bro 😭
  • i didnt i was in the pit all night my moms scored me a milo everything sucks flag and a milo goes to collage shirt but i
  • Got a shirt from buzzcocks? The one they were selling was only XXL I believe.
  • i saw them when they came to utah with the buzzcocks and some smaller band
  • one of the best here!
  • Sick!
  • Very cool one, where did you get it so cheap???
  • I love it when these treasures of the past aren't just stored in boxes, but are allowed to breathe fresh air again.
  • Who? Never heard of em
  • Yup the first day of the tour
  • My brother in christ.... where in the hell did you find that Keys To The Astral Gates Mystic Doors patch?
  • Thank you so much man! 🀘😁🀘 I'm extremely happy with this creation πŸ”₯
  • This one is insane 😍 amazing collection of vintage patches and an amazing painting on the back!
  • Beautiful patch in amazing condition, congratulations on this one.