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Hellhammer back patch

Final Verdict
Sat, 05/04/2014 - 14:19

Custom made back patch!

Trade Only
Hellhammer back patch
Hellhammer back patch

Final Verdict's picture

I promise you that you couldn't make this one with a screen printer! It's a really THICK bp with embroided edges. It's thicker than the usual official back patches out there! Hard to capture that on a picture ;)

Final Verdict's picture

Never used a screen printer myself but it sounds like great addition to any collection!

Final Verdict's picture

I checked the thumbnail and I see what you mean. Glad that you liked it, cheers!

Final Verdict's picture


Vomitus's picture


Bayernpirat's picture

your customs are fantastic, I wish I had more time to make some bps from my stuff

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