TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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1349 Black Metal Embroidered Patch

String_Cheese_Wrapper's picture

How much for black fucking metal, darkthrone, saor, walknut, behemoth plain logo and drudkh patches?

KoloS's picture

This product is new and never used!
Premium quality embroidery. Cloth is not constricted.
Patches are made from close textured. This same cloth is used in Russian army.
Track movement in Russia: pochta.ru/en

Silesia's picture

A very nic collection! Wow! Really like not only on this picture. Do You maybe have an old Kataxu patch ?? I m searching for the the old and simple black patch with "Kataxu" in gothic letters. You maybe have one left ??? Would buy it or change against CDs or patches although i think You already have the pathces that i have.


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