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Motörhead MOTÖRHEAD "Don´t die Ashamed." Eastpak Backpak designed by Lemmy

Tue, 21/05/2013 - 00:41

a friend of mine sended me a foto of his eastpak lemmy backpak when it got released a few years ago - was very expensive, limited to ??? and rare when it came out - found it last year on a second hand market - my motörhead covered underarm saved me some money, - we ended up at 5euros plus our Redrum Inc. "Heavy Divison" CD - 1000 THX!!!!

i think it is great that our godfather is able to draw something on a napkin adds his brilliant word creation and it says more then some 500 page books . - DON´T DIE ASHAMED!

looks more mean then the lemmy t-shirts i´ve seen in some shops....

i am not shure about the year it got released - if anyone knows - let me know!

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2008
Motörhead MOTÖRHEAD "Don´t die Ashamed." Eastpak Backpak designed by Lemmy
Motörhead MOTÖRHEAD "Don´t die Ashamed." Eastpak Backpak designed by Lemmy
Motörhead MOTÖRHEAD "Don´t die Ashamed." Eastpak Backpak designed by Lemmy
Motörhead MOTÖRHEAD "Don´t die Ashamed." Eastpak Backpak designed by Lemmy

NISSE666's picture

Lemmy is fucking pure awesome!

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