Added lots of studs, a couple more patches and the inside acdc backpatch. Love the distribution, the colors and everything. Very much finished, as I don’t have enough little patches to make a big change, but I don’t discard little changes. Enjoy the view!
Envenometal on
5 flames for the backpatch. It's embroidered, isn't it?
Orion_06 on
yeah, there’s no way i’m paying 100 bucks for an original hahahaha
Envenometal on
I would also never pay that much for a patch, so this is a very good alternative.
a chicken on
Amazing work on this, super old school, giving inspiriation for my kutte🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
morbidthrasher on
Top mejores chalecos de españa
Sinisterblackmetal on
Sick vest! Where did you find that speed metal pin?
Orion_06 on
it was a gift!
Demolition_hell... on
Está guapo!