TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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World's largest community of heavy metal tshirt and battlejacket collectors.

Iron Maiden Rest in piss

Sol Invictus's picture

Nice, looks pretty destroyed.

Elimkhan's picture

Motorhead Backpatch !

Great .

Chainbreaker's picture

Fuck, man, why??! I just added your kutte to my favorites not that long ago, it was perfect!

Thrash Junkie's picture


Lyx's picture

Wäre besser für dich wenn du den Somewhere in Time auch auf die neue packst!!

Iron Animal's picture

Der kommt schon mit drauf, keine Angst.

Lyx's picture

besser ist das :D

Tankard Emptyer's picture

Wie einfach jeder, der Yazan was geschenkt hat, gleich mal Drohungen ausspricht. :D

PForx's picture

I hope the new vest will be at least as good as this one.

640,009 items in the gallery, 901,994 comments, and 337 items have changed hands in the last month.

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