Midnight Newest WIP Plenty of Work Needed
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- Bathory for Numantikon
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foot gobbler on
Looks good so far! Any plans with studs?
SeriouslyMikey on
Honestly not sure yet. Have plenty laying around, though.
Das_Gstoich on
Bullets look awesome! Did you take them out of a belt
SeriouslyMikey on
Thanks, mate! I did. I lost weight and the belt I had became way too large, so I decided to use the bullets elsewhere.
Superfly on
great backpatch, where’d you get it?
SeriouslyMikey on
The guy behind Conspiracy Prods made a handful and sold them over Instagram.
Superfly on
Polaris on
curious to know when? conspiracy prods aint posted in like 3 years...
刘志豪 on
Eternal Nightmare on
Glad to see Intruder get some recognition!