TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Ghoul New Vest

Fri, 11/07/2014 - 04:49

My girlfriend did a lot of this and I'm super stoked on it

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2014
Ghoul New Vest
Ghoul New Vest

MonoWhisper763's picture

Fucking Ghoul!! Love the jacket

Nine Turning Mirrors's picture

Nice taste in tunes, and I fucking love the back!

PForx's picture

Nice patches. You should cover the rest of it in studs.

HeavyTony's picture

Love the jacket, super nice batches. This Bat patch is cool, I'll see them at Wings of Metal in August.

Gortuary's picture

The back is sick!

Troy B clear's picture

NICE!!! I'm seeing Ghoul the day after tomorrow!

JesusLovesCakeFart's picture

Siiick! I love the back! Where did you score that Watain BP?

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