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Bathory My 'Black and white' jacket

Thu, 24/03/2011 - 04:14

So, this is my jacket so far, i think to remove most of the patches here and put more embroidered ones.
I have now a new Bathory, Hellhammer, Judas Iscariot and red Sodom logo with the face of the guy from 'In the Sign of Evil' above, yes, I want my jacket with three colors now.

Not for sale or trade
Sin título-1.jpg
Sin título-12.jpg

samsonthrash's picture

awesome where you get the miserycore back patch logo??

OrtodokseGud's picture

Sent to make at a little store where i live. Here is hard to find good backpatches

Bayernpirat's picture

good job

ShieldbitersValhalla's picture

Do what you want, but I would like to see more of the same color scheme.

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

Nice patches, from where is the belphegor patch?

OrtodokseGud's picture

the Belphegor patch (or better said: 'all my patches') I buy from a metal-store in my city.

Corrosive's picture

En chile tienes muy buen metal como para andar poniendote parches de bandas mariconas como gorgoroth, tsjuder, ulver, nattefrost y toda esa basura de nordicos posers; teniendo un parche precioso de Miserycore podrias meterle grupazos de tu pais como Atomicide, Morbid Yell o Atomic Aggressor.

5 puntos solo para el parche de Miserycore!

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

Yeah, there are plenty of good bands from the south american region, but scandinavian bands are so flashy and popular that people dont seem to look anywhere else for good black metal. Many of the scandinavian bands cite several south american bands as influences in interviews.

Corrosive's picture

North Europe have good black metal bands like Archgoat or Sadomator, but i hate the fucked overrated norwegian bands.
South America have real black metal bands with true attitude and dedication, and the first black metal bands are from there!

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

Yeah it pisses me off when people act like they know black metal well by talking about norwegian black metal. aside from mayhem or darkthrone (who both suck now), none of the norwegian bands were even around before the early 90's. It's fine if you like the music, but people need to stop over glorifying norway.

OrtodokseGud's picture

Gracias por los puntos, respecto a las bandas, lo que tengo aqui son los unicos parches sobre bandas de Black que he encontrado (y que son de mi agrado); no me considero fanatico de el 'Verdadero Black Metal Noruego' pero de cada uno de ellos me gustan albumes en especifico. El genero que se hace en mi pais y que realmente me gusta es el Black/Thrash, lo demas no nace mucho en mi.

Corrosive's picture

Pues en Chile, y Sudamerica en general se hace un black/thrash muy feroz y autentico, y tienes distribuidoras proximas que venden mucho material sobre este tipo de bandas; solo es cuestion de mirar. Si necesitas algun link puedo facilitartelos.
El black noruego esta muerdo y vendido a las grandes massas estupidas, si realmente quieres escuchar black metal alejate de esa basura; tomatelo como un consejo ;)

Nostias's picture

Nice to see a theme denim!

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Recent Comments

  • Very nice looking and diverse!! !!
  • Very nice cult LP. But thrash with an H please.
  • Agree ! Killer release !!
  • Agreed, these are absolutely brilliant in person! I feel tempted to get an extra pair!
  • Thanks, they sure do! And this being one of my fave albums definitely helps... I kind of want to get two more!
  • I like this vest until I noticed you extended the length of the vest by sewing strip patches on the bottom.
  • Me wanty
  • fucking great tshirt !!
  • Holy smokes this is nice. I mean unholy smokes…
  • Love the studs.
  • Nice great release !
  • GONE --> Dissection (BOTH), Mgła (BOTH), Xoth, Inexorum; Ulcerate, Inferi, Goratory
  • I see, he makes some really good patches indeed.
  • Yes, both shirts are handpainted with incredible detail.
  • That's correct. they have good merch. I agree 🤘🔥
  • W
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