TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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metallica workshirt

Evilution E5150
Sat, 19/05/2012 - 12:01

i made this back in high school when it seemed like every band was playing in sleeveless workshirts with patches on it (mainly Dime and Anselmo)

Not for sale or trade
Battle Jacket - metallica workshirt
Battle Jacket - metallica workshirt

BlackMetalRights's picture

Sweet man, I don't think I'd ever do a vest with only one band, or would I..?

Evilution E5150's picture

wasnt really intended that way but i already had the back patch and the damage inc one and i had won the rest in a competition

Blüdrayne's picture

lol what kinda competition

Evilution E5150's picture

was this quiz thing on a metallica forum i used to post on that no longer exists

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