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Super CHON Bros tour shirt

Wed, 23/03/2016 - 18:32

The tour shirt I got at the Super CHON Bros Tour. Could tag the other bands but na.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2016
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
More: CHON TShirts CHON Patches
Super CHON Bros tour shirt
Super CHON Bros tour shirt

bad_american1992's picture

Chon's music is insane. Funky shirt as well.

kereealazer's picture

Thanks! Glad to see another Tsser knows of CHON since I believe I have their only entrees as of right now.

joecubbie's picture

Full flames! They're in town tomorrow night but I'm going to see Blue Oyster Cult for the fifth time instead hahaha. Hopefully they'll be back. I really like them as well as Polyphia.

kereealazer's picture

Very good. Ya they are my age and younger so I am sure we'll both get plenty of chances to see them again. Enjoy Blue Öyster Cult.

Necro Rican's picture

Weird band but great sound.

kereealazer's picture

Weird = one of the best bands in existence.

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