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"Rules" for patches, pins and t-shirts

Tue, 04/02/2025 - 04:46

Tell about your "rules" to sew a patch or use a pin on a jacket and that ones to wear a Metal theme t-shirt.

doctordeath's picture

there are none, next.

Gorgoroth's picture

I believe a lot of people think there should be rules like "patches for those who you've seen live" and "pins for those you wish to see" but I think you can wear whatever patch or pin you like, IF you're a fan. I wouldn't enjoy seeing people wearing random bs bands that they know nothing about, but to each their own.

COTHRASHER's picture

I feel like if you can name your favorite album by said band, it's worthy of owning a piece of merch for them

Gorgoroth's picture

Of course! If you wanna wear just any old shirt you know nothing about, go for it. I wont be mad but others might get confrontational.

COTHRASHER's picture

It's just my personal justification for spending money on a shirt or a patch. Like, if I can't think of at least a record or two by them that I've listened to many times over, and/or own, then I can't justify representing them in my wardrobe. To each is own though, like people should wear whatever they want. my thing is that merch is expensive I can only buy a few shirts and patches a year

Gorgoroth's picture

Totally agree

a chicken's picture

Do whatever you like at all times

Velkaarn's picture

One of my friends insists that on a "mixed" jacket you should only have one patch of each band. Everyone else scoffs at this kind of limitation, and basically encourages everyone to do what they will.

I tend to have some self-imposed restrictions on certain projects, but I don't think there should be any universal rules whatsoever. It's important everyone gets to express themselves with their vests, jackets, shorts, aprons or whatever they choose to put stuff on.

Gorgoroth's picture


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