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Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe

Fri, 03/01/2025 - 01:58

Glad to score this, it was buried all the way on the last page of the website and this was the last shirt remaining (all other sizes were already gone). So I'm going to assume this was printed in 2021 (maybe 2022) but that could be wrong. Great album! Colours are kinda weird but the pictures are a tad bright (close ups mainly).

Bought from the Steelfest online shop in 2024.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2021
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
More: Minenwerfer TShirts Minenwerfer Patches
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe

211SteelReserveDestroyer.'s picture

Nice find.

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